Forget the Presents – Think Of Me!

Yeti has the best ideas at times, especially at Christmas. Did you know, Christmas time can be extremely stressful for your feline friend as well?

You might not know it; but all your shopping, hustling about, attending parties, inviting people over, baking cookies, wrapping gifts; is exhausting for them too. Because they have to adjust to all the sudden change, not to mention the tree invasion!

To help balance everything out; Yeti and I have a perfected a routine, that incorporates a balance of all things KITTY.

If you want a few pointers, here are his personal recommendations:
1. Keep warm, fluffy blankets on the couch at all times.

2. Sit down and enjoy quiet movies that don’t have a lot of flashing, gun shots, explosions or loud noises; think live bird cams, for hours on end.

3. Cat treats alongside cookies on the kitchen counter for easy holiday indulging.

4. A new toy every day leading up to Christmas. (Paper boxes, paper bags, toilet paper rolls, all count!)

5. Don’t invite too many people over – this can cause undue shedding.

6. Don’t forget to clean the litter box!

and 7 (Yeti’s favorite) Take time to cuddle up on the couch, and read a good story… and when good stories come to mind, think Gracie Deforest!

And that brings me back to what’s coming up this month; it’s a little campy, mysterious, and unexpected! I’m just finishing up with the draft now, and Yeti will be proof reading it tomorrow. So fingers crossed; he’ll like the first go through. In all cases, it’ll make a swell read on Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Yeti!

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